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Acupuncture For Dogs: 3 Tips To Prepare For Each Session

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Acupuncture for dogs can be used to treat a variety of ailments from arthritis to skin disease to gastrointestinal problems. Your dog should feel relaxed after each session. However, one session alone cannot typically treat the conditions your dog is struggling with, so be prepared for four to eight weekly or biweekly sessions. If you’re interested in trying this form of treatment, here are 3 tips you can use to prepare your dog for the session.…

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Two Reasons Why You Should Have Your Dog's Teeth Professionally Cleaned

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As a responsible dog owner, you understand that their dental care is just as important as your own.  Because of this, you may regularly brush your dog’s teeth, or even invest in chew toys that can help remove some of the plaque that could build up after meals.  However, you may stop short of taking them to a veterinarian to have their teeth cleaned by a professional.  Use this information to learn more about why you should start having your dog’s teeth cleaned by a professional as soon as possible.…

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Identifying Heat Stroke In Rabbits: How Your Rabbit Veterinarian Can Tell And Treat Your Bunny

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This may come as a surprise to you, but rabbits do not sweat. Like pigs, they do not have sweat glands. They cannot keep themselves cool in hot weather by sweating like humans or even panting like dogs. That is a very big problem for a little animal with so much fluffy fur. If your bunny has been exposed to temps above eighty degrees and is acting funny, take him or her to a rabbit veterinarian (someone who specializes in rabbits, hares, and small animal care).…

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Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas

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Being a pet owner comes with many perks, but it also comes with a significant amount of responsibility. In order to ensure that your pet remains in good health, you need to be vigilant when watching for any pests that could latch on to your pet. Fleas are a problem that all pet owners dread, but these pests can be killed using some simple home remedies. Here are three non-chemical remedies that you can try to get rid of any fleas you might find on your pet in the future.…

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Keeping Your Cat Safe: Indoor Diversions and Approaches That Keep Your Cat from Going Outdoors

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Kitties are hunters by nature, true, but domesticated cats should not be allowed to roam free. So much can happen to an indoor cat that is left outside. If you want to keep your cat safe and keep them from making frequent visits to the veterinarian, here are some helpful tips for cat care via the advice of veterinarians. These tips include preventive measures and diversions that will help your cat stay indoors where he or she is much safer.…

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Visiting The Veterinarian: Alternative Treatments

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You know what a veterinarian does. Right? The vet is an animal doctor who gives your pet vaccinations, takes care of her when she’s sick, and provides preventative care. But that’s not all. Vets also offer other services that you might not know about. Check out some of the not-so-well-known veterinary services that some animal hospitals and vet practices offer. Acupuncture You’ve seen the practice used on people—sticking needles in various points on the body to help heal, reduce stress or deal with some other issue.…

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Why A Cat Fight Isn't Something To Overlook

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Cats get into tussles from time to time during play, but there’s a big difference between play and a genuine fight. Whether your cat is neutered or intact, if your cat has gotten into a genuine cat fight, it’s something you should be concerned about. Read on to learn what your cat might be susceptible to and what you should do about it. Diseases If your cat has been in a fight with another cat, there’s a strong likelihood that the attacking cat bit your cat.…

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Deciding When To Neuter Your Large-Breed Puppy

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Many shelters neuter puppies before adopting them out, but if you have recently acquired an intact male, you may be wondering when would be the ideal time to neuter. While small-breed dogs can typically be neutered at any time past a few months old, larger dogs merit special consideration. Due to the way dogs grow, neutering too early can have a significant impact on big dogs’ health later on. These are four things to keep in mind when setting a neutering schedule for your new puppy.…

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Three Tips To Keep Your Dog Safe This Fall

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As the cool nights set in, it is time to invite friends over for bonfires, scary movie marathons, and Halloween parties. However, one member of the family may not be comfortable with the extra autumn company: your dog. Keep your dog safe during your fall festivities by following these simple guidelines. 1. Stow the Sweet Treats Tasty candy, fall-themed desserts, and pumpkin-flavored chocolates are all a delicious part of the season.…

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Emergency Service Animal Care For Large Animals: The Trouble With Birthing Calves

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Birthing calves is a fairly straightforward process. Usually, Mother Nature takes over in the cows that are in labor and the calves are born before you even spot it happening. Some cows will even seek out shaded areas in the pasture behind some trees to birth their calves, leaving you out of the equation completely. Then there are those times when your cows will desperately need your help to deliver their calves.…

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