Did your dog recently get into a stash of chocolate? While chocolate may taste good to your furry friend, it can also cause serious digestive issues. In fact, it can be downright toxic, causing seizures, muscle contractions, and even death if not treated. That’s because chocolate contains an ingredient called theobromine, which doesn’t mix well with a dog’s digestive track. Fortunately, chocolate poisoning can be usually be treated in most dogs.…
If you have a cat, you might think it is inhumane to keep it inside since its ancestors liked to hunt and live outdoors. The thing is, though, domesticated cats will be much safer inside and can have a longer life expectancy than their outdoor counterparts. Here are four reasons keeping your cat inside is the best option for your pet’s health.
1. Vaccinations
If he or she assumes you’ll be keeping your cat indoors, there are some vaccines that your vet will skip, such as the feline leukemia virus (FeLV) cat vaccine.…