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Why A Cat Fight Isn't Something To Overlook

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Cats get into tussles from time to time during play, but there's a big difference between play and a genuine fight. Whether your cat is neutered or intact, if your cat has gotten into a genuine cat fight, it's something you should be concerned about. Read on to learn what your cat might be susceptible to and what you should do about it.


If your cat has been in a fight with another cat, there's a strong likelihood that the attacking cat bit your cat. Unfortunately, cats can transfer diseases between each other this way. Your cat may now be at risk of developing rabies or feline leukemia after the bite.

Most pet parents have their cats vaccinated for these diseases, but if you haven't, you need to get to a veterinarian right away. Treating these diseases may be possible if the fight has occurred recently, but if the virus is allowed to develop, it may be too late.


Even if your cat is up to date on vaccinations, a cat fight can put them at a high likelihood of developing an infection in their tissues. Cat's claws and teeth are typically coated with bacteria from walking around and scratching objects, biting and eating, and using the litterbox. When a cat sinks their claws or teeth into your cat, they may transfer this bacteria into your cat's skin.

Humans can develop infections after being scratched or bitten by a cat, but it's especially dangerous for your cat. Cats tend to hide it when they're hurt, and their fur may hide any sign of injury. In addition, the small punctures that are formed from bites or scratches often seal up as the skin heals, trapping any debris or bacteria inside your cat's tissues. This bacteria can fester, creating an abscess, and with the wound already sealed up, the body's white blood cells can't trap and eject the foreign body from your cat's skin.

Getting Treatment

If you think your cat has been hurt by another cat, don't put off seeing the veterinarian. Even if your cat is up to date on all of their vaccinations, having a veterinarian examine the wounds and professionally clean them out can prevent further complications. Although you may be anxious about the cost of a veterinarian visit, preventative care will cost far less than seeing a vet later on after an infection or disease has already manifested. Contact a clinic like 1st Pet Veterinary Centers for more info.
