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How To Take Care Of A Guinea Pig

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Guinea pigs make great pets for families and young children, as they are easy to care for and tend to be friendly pets. Here are some tips for taking care of your guinea pig, including housing, feeding, and other tips. Give the Guinea Pig a Quiet Place to Live When you adopt a guinea pig, you want to start by giving it a quiet and cozy place to live. The guinea pig’s cage should not be in the same room where you have other pets.…

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More Fleas? No Problem! Get Rid Of Fleas And Keep Them Away With These Homemade Remedies

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Dogs are part of the family, so of course you want to protect them from absolutely everything, including fleas. Flea medications that you purchase at the store are full of strange chemicals and can have adverse side effects. Luckily, there are several natural, safe and effective flea remedies that you can make yourself that will provide your dog with the protection it needs against fleas. Below is a list of some of the at-home flea medications you can make yourself.…

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Keeping Your Dog In The Garage This Winter? Follow These Tips To Keep It Safe

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Many owners have their outdoor dogs stay in the garage during the winter to stay warm. However, garages can be harsh, unsafe environments for dogs if the space isn’t properly prepared and the dog isn’t given the right tools to stay happy and warm. Knowing how to prepare your garage and protect your dog can help you avoid problems this winter. Provide a Warm Place to Sleep Provide your dog with a heated or insulated blanket where he or she can stay warm and lay comfortably while trying to sleep.…

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Pooches On The Run: Why Dogs Take Off And How To Keep Your Escape Artist Safely Sequestered

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It is not an uncommon scenario. The door to the home opens, the family dog makes a hasty beeline toward the great wide open and off he goes into the woods or down the neighborhood street. Such escapades can lead to heartbreaking consequences. Find out why some dogs take off, which dogs are more likely to run out in search of adventure and what you can do to prevent the great escape.…

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Happy Trails: 3 Doggie Health Hazards to Avoid While Hiking

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Taking your favorite animal companion along on your hikes is the perfect way to encourage better health and bonding. Yet, it is important to keep in mind that spending time in the wild is much different than walking along the sidewalks at home. On the trail, your dog will encounter many different situations that could pose a risk for their health and safety. As you prepare for your hike, keep these potential health hazards in mind so that you can take the proper precautions.…

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Goldfish: 3 Myths Debunked

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Goldfish – the red/orange, happy-go-lucky pet that’s content to spend its days swimming in circles. While the above perception of goldfish is a common one, it’s one of just many myths surrounding these beautiful creatures. Below are three more common myths about goldfish and the facts behind them. Myth #1: Goldfish Are a Great Starter Pet for Small Children Fact: If a parent doesn’t have the inclination or the time to properly teach the child about goldfish care and supervise it, it’s best to hold off on getting one for until the child has more maturity.…

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3 Steps To Take If Your Dog Eats Chocolate

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Did your dog recently get into a stash of chocolate? While chocolate may taste good to your furry friend, it can also cause serious digestive issues. In fact, it can be downright toxic, causing seizures, muscle contractions, and even death if not treated. That’s because chocolate contains an ingredient called theobromine, which doesn’t mix well with a dog’s digestive track. Fortunately, chocolate poisoning can be usually be treated in most dogs.…

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Four Reasons You Should Try to Keep Your Cat Indoors for Its Health

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If you have a cat, you might think it is inhumane to keep it inside since its ancestors liked to hunt and live outdoors. The thing is, though, domesticated cats will be much safer inside and can have a longer life expectancy than their outdoor counterparts. Here are four reasons keeping your cat inside is the best option for your pet’s health. 1. Vaccinations If he or she assumes you’ll be keeping your cat indoors, there are some vaccines that your vet will skip, such as the feline leukemia virus (FeLV) cat vaccine.…

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Pupply Bloat: What Is It And Creative Ways To Prevent It From Occurring

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Puppies, like human babies, naturally have cute round bellies. Some puppy potbellies aren’t cute though, and are a sign of an emergency situation for your pooch. Many pet owners have never heard of bloat, or don’t realize how serious the condition is for their dog. Bloat is a condition where the dog’s stomach fills with air and actually twists. The stomach is distended beyond the normal puppy potbelly size. The puppy will usually pace around in obvious discomfort and can eventually go into shock.…

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What To Do When Your Dog Really Does Eat Your Homework

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If you have a dog that eats anything and everything, you might find yourself in a terrifying situation when he actually does eat that term paper that you’ve left laying out on your desk. If you catch your dog in the act of eating the paper, you may be able to tell him to “drop it” and make sure he spits out whatever pieces he has eaten. However, if you’ve just walked in and see your paper shredded all over the floor, then your initial shock and anger may turn to fear.…

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