Relief for Your Pet’s Painful Joints

Tips For Choosing The Right Pit Bull Puppy From A New Litter

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If you are one of the many people entranced by the type of dog commonly known as the pit bull, it is important to understand that the description of a pit bull can actually include several different kinds of dogs. For example, the American Staffordshire Terrier, The American Pit Bull, and The American Bull Dog will often be classified as a pit bull in the United States. Therefore, before you pick out the perfect pup for your home, it is a good idea to consider the following advice.…

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Too Many Treats? How To Tell When Your Dog Is Under The Weather

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Worried that your dog isn’t feeling well? Dogs are resilient, but there are some sure signs that they are under the weather and need you to consult with their vet. Keep an eye out for the following symptoms and clues that it is time to visit your vet: Changes in appetite. Dogs are creatures of habit so any changes in appetite can be a sign that something is wrong. Pay attention to how much water your dog is drinking, too, as decreased thirst may be a sign of stress while excessive thirst could point to kidney failure.…

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Feline Stomatitis: A Guide For Responsible Cat Owners

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Tooth decay and gum disease are quite common in cats. Usually, they cause mild to moderate pain that’s alleviated once your vet pulls the affected teeth and puts your cat on a soft diet. However, for some cats, dental problems go deeper than simple decay and gum disease. Feline stomatitis is a serious, highly painful, life-threatening oral condition that all cat owners should be aware of and watch out for.…

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